Our Team

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.

Rishab Jain
Rishab Jain
Associate Project Manager

Rishab Jain is an Associate Project Manager at UpTahr Analytics and the Founder of REP Protein. With a background in marketing, racing, and business, Rishab combines strong leadership and analytical skills with his studies in Business Administration and Quantitative Finance at the National University of Singapore.

Dipendra Mookherjee
Dipendra Mookherjee
Singapore Divisional Lead

Dipendra Mookherjee is a seasoned leader with over 20 years of experience in data, analytics, cloud solutions, and digital transformation. As the Singapore Divisional Lead, he specializes in guiding organizations through cloud modernization and AI-based applications, driving impactful business transformation.

Narayan Pillai
Narayan Pillai
UpTahr Director

Experienced entrepreneur and engineer. Previous technical experience in pulse combustion and aerodynamics research, data science, and software development + architecture.

Nathan Pillai
Nathan Pillai
UpTahr Senior Solutions Architect

Developing solution architectures, data science and ML/AI integrations with experience from General Dynamics

Kamila Bakieva
Kamila Bakieva
Lead Industry Researcher

Previously experienced as a data analyst and researcher at International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Center for Economic Research (CER)

Robert Beatty
Robert Beatty
Uptahr Software Consultant

Principal Software and Security Architect with experience ranging from engineering at AOL to multiple successful startup exits

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